Рейтинг html энциклопедий

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  • 76.

    HTML A Beginner's Guide
    Essential HTML Skills--Made Easy! Create highly functional, impressive websites in no time. Fully updated and revised, HTML: A Beginner's Guide, Fourth Edition explains how to structure a page, place images, format text, create links, add color, work with multimedia, and use forms. You'll also go beyond the basics and learn how to save your own web graphics, use Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), create dynamic web content with basic JavaScript, and upload your site to the web. By the end of the book you'll be able to build custom websites using the latest HTML techniques. An all-new chapter also covers creating HTML for e-mail, a hot-button issue for any business seeking to reach its target audience through online communication. Designed for Easy Learning Key Skills & Concepts--Chapter-opening lists of specific skills covered in the chapter Ask the Expert--Q&A sections filled with bonus information and helpful tips Try This--Hands-on exercises that show you how to apply your skills Notes--Extra information related to the topic being covered Tips--Helpful reminders or alternate ways of doing things Self-Tests--Chapter-ending quizzes to test your knowledge ... Далее
  • 77.

    HTML Manual of Style
    THE CLASSIC WEB AUTHORING GUIDE, NOW 100% UPDATED AND BETTER THAN EVER! If it's for the Web, this book will help you create itfaster, smarter, better! Don't settle for canned templates or boilerplate designs! Take control, with the classic guide to HTML web authoringnow completely revised for the latest techniques and shortcuts, including HTML5! Build it right Well-planned and well-organized Easy to navigate Fun to read, view, and use Search engine-friendly and findable Reliable and consistent Easy to update and maintain Compatible with any browser Build it all Websites and pages Wiki articles Web services and ecommerce eBay pages Blog posts HTML email And much more! Contains quick reference guides to HTML elements and CSS propertiesincluding the newest HTML5 and CSS3 improvements! ... Далее
  • 78.
    Ed Tittel
    HTML 4 For Dummies
    Are you fascinated by the look and design of Web pages? Do you wish that you had the knowledge and skills to create a great looking Web site? Whether you re an up-and-coming Web designer or just an enthusiastic hobbyist, you are probably using HTML, the standard authoring language for the Internet. HTML 4 For Dummies, now in its 5th edition, will show you the basics of working with this language as well as advanced skills for all-around knowledge. HTML is used to create Web documents. As a standard issued by the World Wide Web Consortium, it is used by almost everyone to create and edit Web pages. HTML is capable of: Creating a Web site Inserting designs to a Web page Running on both PCs and Macs The new edition of HTML 4 For Dummies contains nearly 50% more content than its previous editions, and covers a wide range of material, including: Planning a Web site to avoid underperformance Creating and viewing a Web page Working with text, tables, lists, and links Adding style to your page with images, colors, and fonts Managing layout Controlling positioning and appearance using CSS Integrating scripts with HTML Designing an eBay auction page Helpful advices and tips, as well as warnings about pitfalls Complete with a 6-page tear-out colored reference sheet, HTML 4 For Dummies is the most comprehensive HTML guide yet. Written by a computer expert and author of over 120 books, including the previous editions of the bestselling HTML 4 For Dummies, this straightforward, fun guide will aid you through making and editing beautiful Web pages. ... Далее
  • 79.
    Mark Fletcher
    HTML5 24-Hour Trainer
    Comprehensive written and interactive instruction for learning HTML5 HTML is the core technology for building websites. Today, with HTML5 opening the Internet to new levels of rich content and dynamic interactivity, developers are looking for information to learn and utilize HTML5. HTML5 24-Hour Trainer provides that information, giving new and aspiring web developers the knowledge they need to achieve early success when building websites. Covers the most basic aspects of a web page, including a brief introduction to Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) Provides lessons that are backed up by professionally created training videos and interactive content to fully illustrate the dynamic nature of HTML5 and the Internet, while also providing a full learning experience Combines easy-to-follow lessons with expertly crafted training videos to provide you with both written and interactive instruction for learning HTML5 Written by bestselling author Joseph Lowery and with video content created by well-known multimedia and eLearning producer Mark Fletcher, HTML5 24-Hour Trainer brings the new features of HTML5 and the Internet to life unlike any other resource. Note: As part of the print version of this title, video lessons are included on DVD. For e-book versions, video lessons can be accessed at wrox.com using a link provided in the interior of the e-book. ... Далее
  • 80.
    Александр Чиртик
    HTML: Популярный самоучитель
    В книге кратко и просто описывается язык HTML. Прочитав ее, вы научитесь создавать собственные веб-страницы, причем не только простые, но и содержащие таблицы, видео и звук. Более гибко оформить веб-страницы вам поможет рассмотренная в книге технология CSS. А при желании вы сможете сделать веб-страницы динамичными с помощью сценариев JavaScript: описание этого языка вместе с кратким описанием DOM (объектной модели документа) также приведено в этой книге. В последних главах рассматривается пример создания небольшого сайта с использованием всех рассмотренных в книге технологий, а также освещаются основные вопросы публикации сайта в сети Интернет. ... Далее
  • 81.

    Hard stuff made easy! Your practical, self-paced guide to HTML and XHTML HTML and XHTML Demystified is a hands-on tutorial that gives you thorough guidance on required Web design techniques and technologies. The book also functions as a useful supplement for textbooks and classroom activities by focusing on the essentials and the most useful tags and properties, while avoiding unnecessary details. Learn to create Web pages, add graphics and links, create tables and frames, integrate forms, and more. Each chapter features valid HTML that follows all of the rules set by the W3C and incorporates the latest standards for HTML5. Web designers need to write pages that are accessible to all users, so each chapter is coded to address the accessibility requirements from the Americans with Disabilities Act and to allow the use of non-English characters. HTML and XHTML Demystified Covers HTML, XHTML, HTML5, and CSS Develops two stand-alone examples per chapter: one created by the author; the other for you to practice Helps you recognize and resolve common HTML errors Includes end-of-chapter quizzes and a final exam to reinforce learning Step-by-step coverage: HTML and The Web; Your First Web Pages; Inserting Graphics; Creating Hyperlinks; Using Lists; Building Tables; Gathering Data with Forms; Page Layout; Scripting; DHTML; Effectively Using Multimedia; Using Frames; Creating a Web Site ... Далее
  • 82.

    HTML5 Games
    HTML5 Gamesshows you how to combine HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript to make games for the web and mobiles - games that were previously only possible with plugin technologies like Flash. Using the latest open web technologies, you are guided through the process of creating a game from scratch using Canvas, HTML5 Audio, WebGL and WebSockets. Inside, Jacob Seidelin shows you how features available in HTML5 can be used to create games. First, you will build a framework on which you will create your HTML5 game. Then each chapter covers a new aspect of the game including user input, sound, multiplayer functionality, 2D and 3D graphics and more. By the end of the book, you will have created a fully functional game that can be played in any compatible browser, or on any mobile device that supports HTML5. Topics include: Dealing with backwards compatibility Generating level data Making iOS and Android web apps Taking your game offline Using Web Workers Persistent Game Data Drawing with Canvas Capturing player input Creating 3D graphics with WebGL Textures and lighting Sound with HTML5 Audio And more ... Далее
  • 83.

    HTML5 Foundations
    Master innovative and eye-catching website design with the exciting new Treehouse Series of books Turn plain words and images into stunning websites using HTML5 and this beautiful, full-colour guide. Taking you beyond the constraints of prebuilt themes and simple site building tools, this new Treehouse book combines practicality with inspiration to show you how to create fully customized, modern, and dazzling websites that make viewers want to stop and stay. The exciting new Treehouse Series of books is authored by Treehouse experts and packed with innovative design ideas and practical skill-building. If you're a web developer, web designer, hobbyist, or career-changer, every book in this practical new series should be on your bookshelf. Part of the new Treehouse Series of books, teaching you effective and compelling website development and design, helping you build practical skills Provides career-worthy information from Treehouse industry pros and trainers Explains HTML5 basics, such as how to format text, add scripts to pages, and use HTML5 for audio and video Also covers hypermedia, CSS and JavaScript, embedding video, geolocation, and much more Leverage pages of dazzling website design ideas and expert instruction with a new Treehouse Series book. ... Далее
  • 84.
    Matthew David
    Implement the powerful multimedia and interactive capabilities offered by HTML5, including style control tools, illustration tools, video, audio, and rich media solutions. Understand how HTML5 is changing the web development game with this project-based book that shows you-not just tells you-what HTML5 can do for your websites. Reinforce your practical understanding of the new standard with demo applications and tutorials, so that execution is one short step away. HTML5 is the future of the web. Literally every web designer and developer needs to know how to use this language to create the types of web sites consumers now expect. This new edition of the bestseller teaches you to enhance your web designs with rich media solutions and interactivity, using detailed descriptions and hands-on projects for every step along the way. The second edition contains completely updated information, including more on mobility and video standards, plus new projects.The companion website, visualizetheweb.com, is packed full of extra information, online code libraries, and a user forum, offering even more opportunity to learn new skills, practice your coding and interact with other users. ... Далее
  • 85.
    Paul Whitehead
    Offers professional-level instruction in Web page design in a unique visual format, with most tasks demonstrated on self-contained two-page spreads Key tasks covered include setting up a Web page, reducing image resolution, creating radio buttons, adding a hit counter, creating an inline frame, and adding an embedded sound High-resolution screen shots accompanied by succinct explanations clearly illustrate each task, while &quote;Apply It&quote; and &quote;Extra&quote; sidebars highlight useful tips Companion Web site features all the code that appears in the text-ready to plug into the user's Web pages ... Далее
  • 86.
    Ростислав Чебыкин
    Разработка и оформление текстового содержания сайтов
    Рассматриваются основные аспекты разработки текстового содержания сайтов, прежде всего русскоязычных. Излагаются правила и нормы синтаксического оформления и типографики русского текста, сведения о представлении текстовых данных в компьютере и кодировках символов. Изучается техника разметки и оформления текстового содержания веб-страниц средствами HTML и CSS. Обсуждаются принципы составления текста для сайтов, а также вопросы удобства, доступности, эффективности и привлекательности текстового содержания сайтов для пользователей.Для веб-разработчиков. ... Далее
  • 87.
    Эдди Османи
    Разработка Backbone.js приложений
    Backbone – это javascript-библиотека для тяжелых фронтэнд javascript-приложений, таких, например, как gmail или twitter. В таких приложениях вся логика интерфейса ложится на браузер, что дает очень значительное преимущество в скорости интерфейса.Цель этой книги – стать удобным источником информации в помощь тем, кто разрабатывает реальные приложения с использованием Backbone.Издание охватывает теорию MVC и методы создания приложений с помощью моделей, представлений, коллекций и маршрутов библиотеки Backbone; модульную разработку ПО с помощью Backbone.js и AMD (посредством библиотеки RequireJS), решение таких типовых задач, как использование вложенных представлений, устранение проблем с маршрутизацией средствами Backbone и jQuery Mobile, а также многие другие вопросы. ... Далее
  • 88.
    Роман Клименко
    Веб-мастеринг на 100%
    Данная книга написана для начинающих веб-разработчиков, которые стремятся перейти на профессиональный уровень по веб-мастерингу. Вы узнаете о самых популярных и востребованных веб-технологиях – HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, Ajax, PHP, а также изучите приемы работы с системой управления содержимым сайта CMS Drupal и секреты раскрутки сайта (SEO). Книга оформлена так, что вы можете читать ее с любой главы, в которой описан интересующий вас инструмент. Вы узнаете, как начать создавать сайты-визитки, блоги, как перейти на профессиональный уровень веб-разработки – создавать интерактивные интернет-магазины. Прочитав эту книгу, вы станете веб-мастером, готовым к работе над любыми проектами на 100%. ... Далее
  • 89.

    Adobe Dreamweaver CC
    Перед вами официальный учебный курс по программе Adobe Dreamweaver CC, входящий в знаменитую серию «Classroom in a Book». Эта полноцветная книга предназначена как начинающим, так и опытным пользователям, желающим получить от Adobe Dreamweaver максимум возможного. Серии простых, прекрасно подобранных пошаговых инструкций позволят вам на практике освоить все инструменты Adobe Dreamweaver CC.С помощью этой книги вы быстро и легко станете настоящим мастером работы с Adobe Dreamweaver CC.(СD прилагается только к печатному изданию.) ... Далее
  • 90.
    Сэмми Пьюривал
    Основы разработки веб-приложений
    Благодаря этой книге вы усвоите основы создания веб-приложений, построив простое приложение с нуля с помощью HTML, JavaScript и других свободно предоставляемых инструментов. Это практическое руководство на реальных примерах обучает неопытных веб-разработчиков тому, как создавать пользовательский интерфейс, строить серверную часть, организовывать связь клиента и сервера, а также применять облачные сервисы для развертывания приложения.Каждая глава содержит практические задачи, полноценные примеры, а также ментальные модели процесса разработки. Эта книга поможет вам сделать первые шаги в создании веб-приложений, обеспечив глубокие знания по теме. ... Далее
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