Рейтинг html энциклопедий
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26.<h4><b>Ty te? mo?esz mie? swoj? stron? WWW!</b></h4><p>Marzy Ci si? w?asna strona internetowa lub profesjonalna witryna dla Twojej firmy? Je?eli brak Ci odpowiednich umiej?tno?ci, to zadanie mo?e by? poza Twoim zasi?giem. Ale do czasu! Ta ksi??ka zawiera dawk? wiedzy, ktra nawet kompletnemu laikowi pozwoli zaprojektowa? i zbudowa? witryn? WWW. Dzi?ki licznym przyk?adom przebrniesz przez kolejne etapy tworzenia strony internetowej oraz odkryjesz w sobie pasj? webmastera!</p><p>Kolejne wydanie tej cenionej ksi??ki zosta?o gruntownie przeredagowane i uzupe?nione o nowe informacje tak, aby prezentowa?o obecnie wykorzystywane narz?dzia i panuj?ce trendy w projektowaniu stron internetowych. W trakcie lektury poznasz sk?adni? j?zyka HTML, wykorzystywane znaczniki oraz nowo?ci zawarte w HTML5. Ponadto zaznajomisz si? z kaskadowymi arkuszami stylw (CSS) oraz przekonasz si?, jaki potencja? kryje j?zyk JavaScript. Nauczysz si? tak?e przygotowywa? odpowiedni? grafik? na potrzeby strony WWW. Ksi??ka ta jest doskona?ym przewodnikiem wprowadzaj?cym w ?wiat projektowania!</p><p><b>Dowiedz si?:</b></p><ul><li>jak wykorzysta? arkusze stylw CSS</li><li>dlaczego nale?y odpowiednio przygotowa? grafik? na stron? WWW</li><li>do czego wykorzysta? j?zyk JavaScript</li><li>jak zbudowa? pierwsz? stron? WWW</li></ul><h4><b>Przewodnik dla pocz?tkuj?cych projektantw WWW!</b></h4> ... Далее
27.Ready to learn Windows 8 programming? Start Here! Learn the fundamentals of Windows 8 programmingand begin creating apps for desktops, laptops, tablets, and other devices. If you have previous experience with HTML5 and JavaScriptsimply start here! This book introduces must-know concepts and getting-started techniques through easy-to-follow explanations, examples, and exercises. Here's where you start learning Windows 8 app development Build on your knowledge of HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript Create photo and media galleries with built-in HTML widgets Interact with the system through live tiles, contracts, and view state detection Store and access data on the local device and via the Internet Access webcam, GPS, and other sensors embedded in the device Create your first programs and publish them to the Windows Store ... Далее
28.Sams Teach Yourself Web Publishing with HTML and CSS in One Hour a Day, Sixth Edition is the latest edition of the original worldwide bestseller. The entire book has been thoroughly revised and refined to include new detailed coverage of HTML5, the next major revision of the core language of the World Wide Web, HTML. Work on the HTML5 specification is still ongoing, but parts of HTML5 are already being implemented in new versions of Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Safari and Opera. ... Далее
29.<p>Masz konto na Facebooku? Pewnie, ?e tak - wszyscy maj?! Musia?e? wi?c zauwa?y? gry dost?pne w tym serwisie. Mo?e nie osza?amiaj? fotorealistyczn? grafik? i superdynamiczn? akcj?, maj? jednak to co?. Nazywa si? to grywalno??. Frajda ze wsp?zawodniczenia nie da si? niczym zast?pi?. Popularno?? tego typu gier gwa?townie ro?nie, a firma, ktra wyprodukowa?a prawdopodobnie najbardziej znan? z nich - Farmville - w?a?nie wchodzi na gie?d?!</p><p><b>Dzi?ki tej ksi??ce rwnie? i Ty b?dziesz mg? sprbowa? szcz??cia.</b> W trakcie lektury dowiesz si?, jak wykorzysta? nowo?ci HTML5 i CSS3 do osi?gni?cia interesuj?cych efektw, takich jak rzut izometryczny. Ponadto zobaczysz, jak wzbogaci? aplikacj? o efekty d?wi?kowe oraz przygotowa? atrakcyjny interfejs u?ytkownika. Wiedza tutaj zawarta pozwoli Ci na przygotowanie kompletnej gry z pomoc? HTML5, CSS3 i JavaScriptu, a nast?pnie zintegrowanie jej z Facebookiem. Teraz to, czy zdob?dziesz popularno?? i osi?gniesz sukces finansowy, zale?y tylko i wy??cznie od Twojej pomys?owo?ci oraz kreatywno?ci!</p><p><b>Przygotuj gr?, ktra b?dzie:</b></p><ul><li>oparta na nowoczesnych technologiach</li><li>zintegrowana z serwisem Facebook</li><li>dost?pna dla setek graczy</li><li>zaopatrzona w grafik? 3D</li><li>popularna</li></ul><div align="e;center"e;><h4><b>Zaistniej na rynku gier komputerowych!</b></h4></div> ... Далее
30.Build interactive, data-driven websites with the potent combination of open-source technologies and web standards, even if you only have basic HTML knowledge. With this popular hands-on guide, youll tackle dynamic web programming with the help of todays core technologies: PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, CSS, and HTML5.Explore each technology separately, learn how to use them together, and pick up valuable web programming practices along the way. At the end of the book, youll put everything together to build a fully functional social networking site.Learn PHP in-depth, along with the basics of object-oriented programmingExplore MySQL, from database structure to complex queriesCreate dynamic PHP web pages that tailor themselves to the userManage cookies and sessions, and maintain a high level of securityMaster the JavaScript language and use it to create interactive web pagesUse Ajax calls for background browser/server communicationAcquire CSS2 & CSS3 skills for professionally styling your web pagesImplement all the new HTML5 features, including geolocation, audio, video, and the canvas ... Далее
31.Sams Teach Yourself HTML, CSS and JavaScript All in One The all-in-one HTML, CSS and JavaScript beginners guide: covering the three most important languages for web development. Covers everything beginners need to know about the HTML and CSS standards and todays JavaScript and Ajax libraries - all in one book, for the first time Integrated, well-organized coverage expertly shows how to use all these key technologies together Short, simple lessons teach hands-on skills readers can apply immediately By best-selling author Julie Meloni Mastering HTML, CSS, and JavaScript is vital for any beginning web developer - and the importance of these technologies is growing as web development moves away from proprietary alternatives such as Flash. Sams Teach Yourself HTML, CSS, and JavaScript All in One brings together everything beginners need to build powerful web applications with the HTML and CSS standards and the latest JavaScript and Ajax libraries. With this book, beginners can get all the modern web development knowledge you need from one expert source. Bestselling author Julie Meloni (Sams Teach Yourself PHP, MySQL and Apache All in One) teaches simply and clearly, through brief, hands-on lessons focused on knowledge you can apply immediately. Meloni covers all the building blocks of practical web design and development, integrating new techniques and features into every chapter. Each lesson builds on whats come before, showing you exactly how to use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript together to create great web sites. ... Далее
32.Get the basics on four key web programming tools in one great book! PHP, JavaScript, and HTML5 are essential programming languages for creating dynamic websites that work with the MySQL database. PHP and MySQL provide a robust, easy-to-learn, open-source solution for creating superb e-commerce sites and content management. JavaScript and HTML5 add support for the most current multimedia effects. This one-stop guide gives you what you need to know about all four! Seven self-contained minibooks cover web technologies, HTML5 and CSS3, PHP programming, MySQL databases, JavaScript, PHP with templates, and web applications. Addresses how PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, and HTML5 are vital tools for creating dynamic, database-driven websites and are especially important for e-commerce sites Serves as essential reading for web designers who are new to these technologies, offering a crash course covering all of these powerful technologies in this handy volume of seven self-contained minibooks Covers how to program in PHP and how to create and administer a MySQL database as well as how to manipulate MySQL data via a web interface Shows how to create a secure website and how to code popular e-business applications such as login programs and shopping carts With seven books in one, PHP, MySQL, JavaScript & HTML5 All-in-One For Dummies will turn your website into the center of attention in no time at all. ... Далее
33.Walks readers through the process of creating a basic Web site from scratch using HMTL, the basis for billions of Web pages, and then jazzing it up with advanced techniques from the author's award-winning sites This updated edition features new material that shows readers how to attract visitors to a site and keep them there, including new JavaScript examples and coverage of cascading style sheets and XHTML, technologies that make building successful Web sites even easier Also features exciting new tips and tricks for beginning and advanced users, as well as more expanded examples and samples for users to incorporate in their own sites The book moves from basic design and deployment to advanced page layout strategies, showing how to spice up new or existing sites with sound, video, and animation ... Далее
34.Make sure your website or web application users get content updates right now with minimal latency. This concise guide shows you how to push new data from the server to clients with HTML5 Server-Sent Events (SSE), an exceptional technology that doesnt require constant polling or user interaction. Youll learn how to build a real-world SSE application from start to finish that solves a demanding domain problem.Youll also discover how to increase that applications desktop and mobile browser support from 60% to 99%, using different fallback solutions. If youre familiar with HTML, HTTP, and basic JavaScript, youre ready to get started.Determine whether SSE, WebSockets, or data pull is best for your organizationDevelop a working SSE application complete with backend and frontend solutionsAddress error handling, system recovery, and other issues to make the application production-qualityExplore two fallback solutions for browsers that dont support SSETackle security issues, including authorization and "e;disallowed origin"e;Develop realistic, repeatable data thats useful in test-driven SSE designLearn SSE protocol elements not covered in the example application ... Далее
35.Now featuring more than 250 color illustrations throughout, this perennially popular guide is a must for novices who want to work with HTML or XHTML, which continue to be the foundation for any Web site The new edition features nearly 50 percent new and updated content, including expanded coverage of CSS and scripting, new coverage of syndication and podcasting, and new sample HTML projects, including a personal Web page, an eBay auction page, a company Web site, and an online product catalog The companion Web site features an eight-page expanded Cheat Sheet with ready-reference information on commands, syntax, colors, CSS elements, and more Covers planning a Web site, formatting Web pages, using CSS, getting creative with colors and fonts, managing layouts, and integrating scripts ... Далее
36.Create Next-Generation Enterprise Applications Build and distribute business web applications that target both desktop and mobile devices. Cowritten by Java EE and NetBeans IDE experts, Java EE and HTML5 Enterprise Application Development fully explains cutting-edge, highly responsive design tools and strategies. Find out how to navigate NetBeans IDE, construct HTML5 programs, employ JavaScript APIs, integrate CSS and WebSockets, and handle security. This Oracle Press guide also offers practical coverage of SaaS, MVVM, and RESTful concepts. Explore HTML5 and Java EE 7 features Use NetBeans IDE editors, templates, and code generators Implement MVVM functionality with Knockout.js Dynamically map database objects using Java Persistence API Configure, manage, and invoke RESTful Web Services Maximize messaging efficiency through WebSockets Accept and process HTML5 Server-Sent Events streams Employ Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets, CSS3, and Sassy CSS ... Далее
37.What is this book about? Beginning Web Programming with HTML, XHTML, and CSS teaches you how to write Web pages using HTML, XHTML, and CSS. It follows standards-based principles, but also teaches readers ways around problems they are likely to face using (X)HTML. While XHTML is the "e;current"e; standard, the book still covers HTML because many people do not yet understand that XHTML is the official successor to HTML, and many readers will still stick with HTML for backward compatibility and simpler/informal Web pages that don't require XHTML compliance. The book teaches basic principles of usability and accessibility along the way, to get users into the mode of developing Web pages that will be available to as many viewers as possible from the start. The book also covers the most commonly used programming/scripting language JavaScript and provides readers with a roadmap of other Web technologies to learn after mastering this book to add more functionality to their sites. ... Далее
38.Are you a visual learner? Do you prefer instructions that show you how to do something - and skip the long-winded explanations? If so, then this book is for you. Open it up and you'll find clear, step-by-step screen shots that show you how to tackle more than 175 tasks involving HTML and CSS. Each task-based spread covers a single technique, sure to help you get up and running with HTML and CSS in no time. You'll learn to: View HTML code in a browser Add and format text Prepare images for the Web Insert links to other pages Control layout with style sheets Add JavaScript to a Web page Helpful sidebars offer practical tips and tricks Succinct explanations walk you through step by step Full-color screen shots demonstrate each task Two-page lessons break big topics into bite-sized modules ... Далее
39.Ready to learn HTML5 programming? Start Here! Learn the fundamentals of programming with HTML5and begin building your first standards-based web pages from the ground up. If you have absolutely no previous experience, no problemsimply start here! This book introduces must-know concepts and getting-started techniques through easy-to-follow explanations, examples, and exercises. Here's where you start learning HTML5 Create a web site using HTML5 tags in a simple text editor Use semantic tags to make your pages easier to layout and find Draw in HTML5 using the canvas element Embed audio and video in your web pages Get HTML5 to work in older browsers Develop your future skills in web design ... Далее
40.This unique approach to learning HTML and CSS simultaneously shows you how to save time and be more productive by learning to structure your (X) HTML content for best effect with CSS styles. You ll discover how to create websites that are accessible to the widest range of visitors, build CSS for print and handheld devices, and work with a variety of CSS-based layouts. Using the latest standards, best practices, and real-world examples, this book offers you with a thorough grounding in the basics and also includes advanced techniques. ... Далее
41.Your full-color, friendly guide to getting started with HTML5 and CSS3! HTML and CSS are essential tools for creating dynamic websites and help make your websites even more effective and unique. This friendly-but-straightforward guide gets you started with the basics of the latest versions of HTML and CSS: HTML5 and CSS3. Introducing you to the syntax and structure of the languages, this helpful guide shows you how to create and view a web page, explains ideal usage of HTML5 and CSS3, walks you through the CSS3 rules and style sheets, addresses common mistakes and explains how to fix them, and explores interesting HTML5 tools. Serves as an ideal introduction to HTML5 and CSS3 for beginners with little to no web development experience Details the capabilities of HTML5 and CSS3 and how to use both to create responsive, practical, and well-designed websites Helps you understand how HTML5 and CSS3 are the foundation upon which hundreds of millions of web pages are built Features full-color illustrations to enhance your learning process Beginning HTML5 and CSS3 For Dummies is the perfect first step for getting started with the fundamentals of web development and design. ... Далее
42.Your full-color, friendly guide to getting started with HTML5 and CSS3! HTML and CSS are essential tools for creating dynamic websites and help make your websites even more effective and unique. This friendly-but-straightforward guide gets you started with the basics of the latest versions of HTML and CSS: HTML5 and CSS3. Introducing you to the syntax and structure of the languages, this helpful guide shows you how to create and view a web page, explains ideal usage of HTML5 and CSS3, walks you through the CSS3 rules and style sheets, addresses common mistakes and explains how to fix them, and explores interesting HTML5 tools. Serves as an ideal introduction to HTML5 and CSS3 for beginners with little to no web development experience Details the capabilities of HTML5 and CSS3 and how to use both to create responsive, practical, and well-designed websites Helps you understand how HTML5 and CSS3 are the foundation upon which hundreds of millions of web pages are built Features full-color illustrations to enhance your learning process Beginning HTML5 and CSS3 For Dummies is the perfect first step for getting started with the fundamentals of web development and design. ... Далее
43.Create mobile game apps for the lucrative gaming market If you're an experienced developer seeking to break into the sizzling mobile game market, this is the book for you. Covering all mobile and touchscreen devices, including iPhones, iPads, Android, and WP7.5, this book takes you through the steps of building both single- and multi-player mobile games. Topics include standard patterns for building games in HTML5, what methods to choose for building (CSS3, SVG, or Canvas), popular game engines and frameworks, and much more. Best of all, code for six basic games is provided, so you can modify, further develop, and make it your own. Shows intermediate developers how to develop games in HTML5 and build games for iPhone, iPad, Android, and WP7.5 mobile and touchscreen devices Explains single-player and multi-player mobile game development Provides code for six basic games in a GitHub repository, so readers can collaborate and develop the code themselves Explores specific APIs to make games even more compelling, including geolocation, audio, and device orientation Reviews three popular open-source HTML5 game engines--crafty.js, easel.js, and enchant.js Covers simple physics as well as using an existing physics library The world is going mobile, as is the game industry. Professional HTML5 Mobile Game Development helps savvy developers join in this exploding market. ... Далее
44.A fast, simple tutorial from the leading Web developer instruction site W3Schools.com is the number one online education source for beginning Web developers. This book packages W3Schools content in an attractive two-color design that gets beginning Web developers and designers up and running with the core Web development technologies. To-the-point tutorials with clear examples and simple explanations give novices the knowledge they need to get going with confidence. W3Schools is the top Google search result for instruction on HTML, CSS, and other key Web technologies; this book presents W3Schools tutorials in an easy-to-follow format for quick learning Features a thorough reference section for easy review of such items as lists of tags, attributes, and symbols Covers elements and attributes, headings and paragraphs, formatting and styles, links and images, tables, lists, forms, colors, fonts, frames, entities, head and meta, style sheets, style tags, and more Designed to get beginning Web developers up and running as quickly as possible, Learn HTML and CSS with W3Schools presents a proven, highly focused course of instruction in an easy-to-use format. ... Далее
45.This value-priced guide by one of the Top 25 Most Influential Women on the Web delivers 250 solutions, workarounds, tips, and annoyance-busters that Web designers won't find anywhere else Offers 500 pages of insider techniques to improve workflow and efficiency, save development time and money, and increase search engine rankings and site traffic, whether designers want to enhance an existing Web site or build a state-of-the-art site from scratch Covers topics such as HTML, XHTML, CSS, graphics and multimedia, cell phone and PDA accessibility, content development, tools, usability, information architecture, globalization, and site redesign Molly Holzschlag is a steering committee member of the Web Standards Project (WaSP) and spokesperson for the World Organization of Webmasters, as well as a frequent lecturer at industry conferences and the author of twenty-five previous books ... Далее
46.Создавайте сногсшибательные сайты и приложения для любых мобильных и настольных платформ. Для этого вам потребуется всего лишь добавить в ваш инструментарий веб-разработки технологии HTML5 и CSS3. Вооружившись этой практичной книгой, вы научитесь разрабатывать веб-приложения, которые не только хорошо работают на iOS, Android, Blackberry и Windows Phone, но и очень удобны в использовании.Книга содержит множество примеров кода и разметки. Она поможет вам освоить работу с разнообразными инструментами HTML5 – в частности, с новыми веб-формами, масштабируемой векторной графикой (SVG), холстом (Canvas), localStorage и другими родственными API. Кроме того, в этом издании подробно рассмотрены таблицы стилей CSS3. Вы научитесь разрабатывать приложения, которые одинаково хорошо работают как на огромных мониторах, так и на крошечных экранах. ... Далее
47.Научитесь создавать интерактивные сайты, активно работающие с данными, воплощая в них мощные комбинации свободно распространяемых технологий и веб-стандартов. Для этого достаточно обладать базовыми знаниями языка HTML. Это популярное и доступное пособие поможет вам уверенно освоить динамическое веб-программирование с применением самых современных языков и технологий: PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, CSS и HTML5.С каждой из упомянутых технологий вы познакомитесь отдельно, научитесь применять их в комбинации друг с другом, а по ходу изложения освоите ценные практические приемы веб-программирования. В конце книги весь изученный материал будет обобщен: вы создадите полнофункциональный сайт, работающий по принципу социальной сети.• Изучите важнейшие аспекты языка РНР и основы объектно-ориентированного программирования.• Откройте для себя базу данных MySQL• Управляйте cookie-файлами и сеансами, обеспечивайте высокий уровень безопасности.• Пользуйтесь фундаментальными возможностями языка JavaScript• Применяйте вызовы AJAX, чтобы значительно повысить динамику вашего сайта.• Изучите основы CSS для форматирования и оформления ваших страниц.• Познакомьтесь с возможностями HTML5: геолокацией, работой с аудио и видео, холстом. ... Далее
48.C помощью этой книги вы быстро освоите разработку приложений для Windows 8 с использованием таких технологий, как HTML5 и JavaScript. Написанное известным экспертом Дино Эспозито в соавторстве со своим сыном, это практическое пособие содержит все необходимое для того, чтобы помочь читателю спроектировать, создать и опубликовать свое приложение для Windows 8.Издание состоит из трех частей. В первой части рассматриваются вопросы использования Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 Express, а также даются краткие сведения об HTML, CSS и JavaScript. Во второй части книги рассматриваются основы программирования для Windows 8 с предоставлением пошаговых упражнений, помогающих освоить пользовательский интерфейс Windows 8, графику, видео, хранилища данных, интернет-вызовы. В третьей части основное внимание уделяется современному программированию для Windows 8 с упором на работу с датчиками и аксессуарами устройств (такими как принтеры, GPS, веб-камеры и т. д.), взаимодействию с системой и публикации готового приложения в Windows Store. ... Далее
49.Благодаря этой книге вы научитесь создавать профессиональные сайты, которые будут легко обновляться и функционировать в любых браузерах. В этом вам помогут практические авторские примеры использования популярных инструментов веб-разработки HTML и CSS.Из книги вы узнаете: – как профессионально разрабатывать сайты; – как оформлять текст и управлять макетом страницы с помощью CSS; – как создавать и оптимизировать графику для работы в Сети; – как делать сайты интерактивными, добавляя на них формы; – как внедрять поиск по сайту и страницы для обратной связи с пользователем; – как отслеживать посетителей с помощью сайта Google Analytics; – как добавлять на сайт потрясающие возможности благодаря HTML5 и CSS3; – как применять диагностические и отладочные инструменты для поиска возможных проблем. ... Далее
50.Книга посвящена разработке динамических Web-сайтов с применением HTML5, CSS 3, PHP и MySQL. Описаны возможности HTML5 по работе с текстом, графикой, аудио и видео, таблицами, средствами навигации и Web-формами, а также способы представления, преобразования и анимации Web-страниц с помощью CSS 3. Рассказано о языке JavaScript, объектной модели документа DOM, разработке Web-сценариев и технологии AJAX. Рассмотрены серверное программирование, язык PHP и сервер данных MySQL. Дано описание библиотеки Yii, предоставляющей Web-программисту готовый набор инструментов для написания серверных приложений. На практических примерах показана разработка дизайна страниц, интерактивных элементов – спойлера, лайтбокса и блокнота, создание универсального файлового хранилища и реализации поддержки тегов BBCode для форматирования текста. Рассмотрен процесс создания полнофункционального сайта и его публикации в Интернете. Все исходные коды доступны для загрузки с сайта издательства.Для Web-программистов.После покупки предоставляется дополнительная возможность скачать книгу в формате epub. ... Далее
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