Рейтинг html энциклопедий

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  • 1.
    Matthew David
    Rendering HTML5 Illustration
    Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) and CANVAS are two new tools introduced in HTML5 that you can use to add illustration and interactive animation to your Web pages. Understand why there are two different formats, how you can use them, and where they can be used today. * Create SVG and CANVAS illustrations * Add gradients to SVG and CANVAS illustrations * Animate CANVAS designs * Add text to your HTML5 illustrations Rendering HTML5 Illustration is the third of five articles on the new Web standard, HTML5. These five full-color articles feature ample visuals to illustrate what your Web sites can do with the help of HTML5. The articles are also combined in the book , HTML5, which will add exclusive material in the form of a related real-life project to go alongside each article. This article is equivalent to 43 print pages.HTML 5, is the first major update to the core language of the Web in over a decade The focus of this book is on innovations that most directly effect Web site design and multimedia integration The companion Web site features working demonstrations and tutorial media for hands-on practice ... Далее
  • 2.

    HTML5 Interview Questions You'll Most Likely Be Asked
    HTML5 Interview Questions You'll Most Likely Be Asked is a perfect companion to stand ahead above the rest in today's competitive job market.
  • 3.
    Robin Nixon
    HTML5 for iOS and Android: A Beginner's Guide
    Essential Skills--Made Easy! Create advanced websites, web apps, and standalone apps for Apple iOS and Google Android devices. HTML5 for iOS and Android: A Beginner's Guide explains, step by step, how to use HTML5 and CSS3 as well as supporting technologies, such as JavaScript, MySQL, and PHP. Download wrapper code from the book's companion website to enable your programs to run like native iOS or Android apps. You'll also get tips for distributing your creations in various app stores. Everything you need to get started developing powerful mobile apps and websites is included in this hands-on guide. Designed for Easy Learning: Key Skills & Concepts--Chapter-opening lists of specific skills covered in the chapter Ask the Expert--Q&A sections filled with bonus information and helpful tips Notes--Extra information related to the topic being covered Tips--Helpful reminders or alternate ways of doing things Cautions--Errors and pitfalls to avoid Annotated Syntax--Example code with commentary that describes the programming techniques being illustrated Robin Nixon is a developer and freelance technical writer who has published more than 500 articles in magazines such as PC Plus, PCW, Web User, PC Advisor, and PC Answers. He is the author of several computer books, including Plug-in PHP, Plug-in JavaScript, and Plug-in CSS. ... Далее
  • 4.
    Jon Duckett
    Beginning HTML, XHTML, CSS, and JavaScript
    An indispensable introductory guide to creating web pages using the most up-to-date standards This beginner guide shows you how to use XHTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create compelling Web sites. While learning these technologies, you will discover coding practices such as writing code that works on multiple browsers including mobile devices, how to use AJAX frameworks to add interactivity to your pages, and how to ensure your pages meet accessible requirements. Packed with real-world examples, the book not only teaches you how to write Web sites using XHTML, CSS and JavaScript, but it also teaches you design principles that help you create attractive web sites and practical advice on how to make web pages more usable. In addition, special checklists and appendices review key topics and provide helpful references that re-enforce the basics you've learned. Serves as an ideal beginners guide to writing web pages using XHTML Explains how to use CSS to make pages more appealing and add interactivity to pages using JavaScript and AJAX frameworks Share advice on design principles and how to make pages more attractive and offers practical help with usability and accessibility Features checklists and appendices that review key topics This introductory guide is essential reading for getting started with using XHTML, CSS and JavaScript to create exciting and compelling Web sites. Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file. ... Далее
  • 5.

    HTML, XHTML & CSS Interview Questions You'll Most Likely Be Asked
    HTML, XHTML & CSS Interview Questions You'll Most Likely Be Asked is a perfect companion to stand ahead above the rest in today's competitive job market.
  • 6.

    HTML & CSS: The Complete Reference, Fifth Edition
    The Definitive Guide to HTML & CSS--Fully Updated Written by a Web development expert, the fifth edition of this trusted resource has been thoroughly revised and reorganized to address HTML5, the revolutionary new Web standard. The book covers all the elements supported in today's Web browsers--from the standard (X)HTML tags to the archaic and proprietary tags that may be encountered. HTML & CSS: The Complete Reference, Fifth Edition contains full details on CSS 2.1 as well as every proprietary and emerging CSS3 property currently supported. Annotated examples of correct markup and style show you how to use all of these technologies to build impressive Web pages. Helpful appendixes cover the syntax of character entities, fonts, colors, and URLs. This comprehensive reference is an essential tool for professional Web developers. Master transitional HTML 4.01 and XHTML 1.0 markup Write emerging standards-based markup with HTML5 Enhance presentation with Cascading Style Sheets (CSS1 and CSS 2.1) Learn proprietary and emerging CSS3 features Learn how to read (X)HTML document type definitions (DTDs) Apply everything in an open standards-focused fashion Thomas A. Powell is president of PINT, Inc. (pint.com), a nationally recognized Web agency. He developed the Web Publishing Certificate program for the University of California, San Diego Extension and is an instructor for the Computer Science Department at UCSD. He is the author of the previous bestselling editions of this book and Ajax: The Complete Reference, and co-author of JavaScript: The Complete Reference. ... Далее
  • 7.
    Virginia DeBolt
    Integrated HTML and CSS
    Almost all web designers use Cascading Sheets to control the presentation of the websites they construct out of HTML. Why learn one and then the other when you can just as easily and much more effectively learn both at the same time? This book's integrated approach speeds your progress and leaves you with a stronger, more cohesive set of skills. Inside, you'll learn about: Writing well-structured HTML for use by any web-capable device Designing page layouts using CSS Controlling fonts, colors, backgrounds, borders, and margins Using lists to create attractive, button-like menus Using images as backgrounds, links, page content, and decoration Creating and styling forms Personalizing your weblog Understanding and applying design and usability principles Publishing and testing your pages Validating your code Making pages accessible to all visitors Throughout the book you'll find real-world examples of effective CSS-based pages. Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file. ... Далее
  • 8.

    Beginning HTML and CSS
    Everything you need to build websites with the newest versions of HTML and CSS If you develop websites, you know that the goal posts keep moving, especially now that your website must work on not only traditional desktops, but also on an ever-changing range of smartphones and tablets. This step-by-step book efficiently guides you through the thicket. Teaching you the very latest best practices and techniques, this practical reference walks you through how to use HTML5 and CSS3 to develop attractive, modern websites for today's multiple devices. From handling text, forms, and video, to implementing powerful JavaScript functionality, this book covers it all. Serves as the ultimate beginners guide for anyone who wants to build websites with HTML5 and CSS3, whether as a hobbyist or aspiring professional developer Covers the basics, including the different versions of HTML and CSS and how modern websites use structure and semantics to describe their contents Explains core processes, such as marking up text, images, lists, tables, forms, audio, and video Delves into CSS3, teaching you how to control or change the way your pages look and offer tips on how to create attractive designs Explores the jQuery library and how to implement powerful JavaScript features, such as tabbed content, image carousels, and more Get up to speed on HTML5, CSS3, and today's website design with this practical guide. Then, keep it on your desk as a reference! ... Далее
  • 9.
    Andy Harris
    HTML, XHTML, and CSS All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies
    Want to build a killer Web site? Want to make it easy to keep your site up to date? You'll need to know how CSS, HTML, and XHTML work together. HTML, XHTML, and CSS All-In-One Desk Reference For Dummies makes that easy too! These eight minibooks get you started, explain standards, and help you connect all the dots to create sites with pizzazz.This handy, one-stop guide catches you up on XHTML basics and CSS fundamentals. You'll learn how to work with Positionable CSS to create floating elements, margins, and multi-column layouts, and you'll get up to speed on client-side programming with JavaScript. You'll also get the low-down on server side programming with PHP, creating a database with MySQL, and using Ajax on both client and server sides. You'll find out how to:Use templates and validatorsManage information with lists and tablesTurn lists of links into button barsAdd style color and bordersCreate variables for dataAdd motion with basic DOM animationWork with arraysAdd Flash functionality with AFLAXBuild and manage a multipage siteChoose and run your own serverYou don't need expensive or complicated software or a super-powerful computer to build a Web site that does all sorts of amazing things. All you need is a text editor and the clear, step-by-step guidance you'll find in HTML, XHTML, and CSS All-In-One Desk Reference For Dummies. ... Далее
  • 10.

    HTML: A Beginner's Guide, Second Edition
    Essential skills for first-time programmers! This easy-to-use book explains the fundamentals of HTML and Web development. The modular approach of this series--including drills, sample projects, and mastery checks--makes it easy to learn to use this powerful programming language at your own pace. ... Далее
  • 11.

    HTML: A Beginner's Guide, Fifth Edition
    Essential HTML skills made easy! Thoroughly updated and revised, HTML: A Beginners Guide, Fifth Edition shows you, step by step, how to create dynamic websites with HTML. The book covers new HTML5 features, including video, audio, and canvas elements. Learn how to structure a page, place images, format text, create links, add color, work with multimedia, and use forms. You'll also go beyond the basics and find out how to work with Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), create dynamic web content with JavaScript, upload your site to the web, and code HTML emails. By the end of the book you'll be able to build custom websites using the latest HTML techniques. Chapters include: Key Skills & Concepts--Chapter-opening lists of specific skills covered in the chapter Ask the Expert--Q & A sections filled with bonus information and helpful tips Try This--Hands-on exercises that show you how to apply your skills Notes--Extra information related to the topic being covered Tips--Helpful reminders or alternate ways of doing things Self-Tests--End-of-chapter reviews to test your knowledge Annotated syntax--Example code with commentary that describes the programming techniques being illustrated ... Далее
  • 12.
    Matthew MacDonald
    HTML5. Nieoficjalny podr?cznik. Wydanie II
    <h4><strong>Przewodnik po tajnikach HTML5!</strong></h4><p>HTML5 na dobre zadomowi? si? w sieci. Z jego dobrodziejstw gar?ciami czerpi? projektanci witryn i zaskakuj? u?ytkownikw coraz bardziej pomys?owymi aplikacjami. HTML5 zapewnia zaawansowan? integracj? ze ?rodowiskiem przegl?darki internetowej, us?ugi geolokalizacyjne oraz doskona?e wsparcie dla materia?w multimedialnych czy aplikacji offline. Jeszcze ca?kiem niedawno nikt nie marzy? o rzeczach, na jakie obecnie ten j?zyk programowania pozwala twrcom stron!</p><p>Ksi??ka, ktr? trzymasz w r?kach, nale?y do cenionej serii Nieoficjalny podr?cznik. Jej kolejne wydanie zosta?o poprawione, zaktualizowane i rozszerzone o mnstwo nowych informacji. Dzi?ki tej publikacji nie musisz odkrywa? tajnikw HTML5 na w?asn? r?k?. Liczne przyk?ady oraz szczeg?owe omwienie najr?niejszych zagadnie? sprawi?, ?e w mig opanujesz niuanse tego j?zyka. W trakcie lektury dowiesz si?, jak wykorzysta? nowy element canvas i jak bez trudu zlokalizowa? u?ytkownika, oraz zobaczysz, jak przechowa? kluczowe dane w bazie przegl?darki. Si?gnij po t? ksi??k? i przekonaj si?, jakie mo?liwo?ci daje Ci HTML5!</p><p><strong>HTML5 to:</strong></p><ul> <li>wsparcie dla plikw multimedialnych</li> <li>us?ugi geolokalizacyjne</li> <li>wygodne przechowywanie danych</li> <li>aplikacje offline</li> <li>standard nowoczesnej sieci Internet</li></ul><h4><strong>Poznaj mo?liwo?ci HTML5 i zacznij korzysta? z nich ju? dzi?!</strong></h4> ... Далее
  • 13.
    William Harrel
    HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Mobile Development For Dummies
    Learn to build and optimize attractive, functional web sites for smartphones Today, mobile devices outnumber desktop and laptop computers three to one. Skill in developing web sites that work on mobile devices is in demand, and this friendly, step-by-step guide shows how to build and optimize sites using HTML5 and other standard web development tools. Building web sites that work for all types of smartphones and tablets, including iPhones, iPads, Android devices, and BlackBerry devices is a skill much in demand as mobile devices outpace both desktop and laptop computers, and this book gets you started. Guides you through creating and optimizing mobile sites with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Covers HTML5, WebKit extensions, platform variations, accommodating different browsers, security issues, and making mobile sites richer with Flash, graphics, and video Includes code for differences in mobile app design and navigation, including touch devices HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Mobile Web Development For Dummies makes it easy to start developing great sites for mobile devices. ... Далее
  • 14.
    Andy Harris
    HTML5 and CSS3 All-in-One For Dummies
    A new edition of a bestseller covers the latest advances in web development! HTML5 and CSS3 are essential tools for creating dynamic websites and boast updates and enhanced features that can make your websites even more effective and unique. This friendly, all-in-one guide covers everything you need to know about each of these technologies and their latest versions so that you can use them together. Building on the bestselling formats of the first two editions, this new edition teaches you the fundamentals of HTML5 and CSS3, and then presents ways for using them with JavaScript, MySQL, and Ajax to create websites that work. Covers using JavaScript, PHP, MySQL, and Ajax in the context of programming dynamic web pages with CSS3 and HTML5 Includes self-contained minibooks that review HTML, CSS, design and layout, client-side JavaScript, Ajax and server-side, and putting it all together Examines new web development advancements including new technologies and changes to the standards Features a website that contains supporting materials including code and several valuable programs that are useful for web development HTML5 and CSS3 All-in-One For Dummies, 3rd Edition serves as the perfect reference for both web development beginners and seasoned professionals looking to learn more about how to get the most out of the powerful combination of HTML5 and CSS3. ... Далее
  • 15.
    Kris Jamsa
    HTML & Web Design Tips & Techniques
    Master HTML and Web design using this resource filled with precise, proven techniques from today s leading industry experts. Inside you ll find quick and concise solutions that can be put to immediate use easily and effectively. Organized by topic and packed with critical information this is a must-have guide for every Web designer. ... Далее
  • 16.

    HTML and CSS for Beginners with HTML5
    There isn't a web site out there-- whether it be WhiteHouse.gov, IBM.com or the site for your local high school-- that isn't written in HTML. If you do any level of web development-- from editing pages on a Wordpress site to designing original pages from scratch, understanding and being able to code in HTML and CSS can give you a level of control, and power over your designs that you've never experienced before. This course helps you learn the HTML and CSS you need to know now (versions 4.01 and XHTML) as well as prepares you for the future with coverage of HTML5. HTML5, increasingly, is the engine behind many mobile applications as well. This important skill set is the baseline for many working in professional web, mobile and application development. In this book authored by master trainer Mark Lassoff, you will learn HTML and CSS, including everything you need to create a creative, quality and sound web site. No experience is required as you start at the very beginning and work your way through more advanced lessons. HTML and CSS for Beginners with HTML5 takes a learn-by-doing approach. Dozens of code examples are presented as you are encouraged to type in the code examples provided and view the result within your web browser. You will not only learn the tags and attributes that comprise HTML code, but also apply them in dynamic lab exercises included with each chapter. This book closely follows the curriculum developed by the author for his popular classroom and online classes on web development. Thousands have learned HTML from Mark Lassoff, and this book provides a great opportunity for you to learn the code behind every web site and many modern mobile applications. ... Далее
  • 17.
    Andy Harris
    HTML5 For Dummies Quick Reference
    Essential information about using HTML5: everything you need at your fingertips HTML is the predominant programming language used to create Web pages. HTML5 has enhanced rich media, geolocation, database and mobile capabilities, and is now able to script APIs, making it a must-have for Web developers. This convenient reference, comb-bound to lie flat, makes it easy to find the information you need in a hurry so you can get those terrific Web pages designed and online right now. HTML is used extensively in creating Web pages, especially for mobile browsers; HTML5 offers exciting enhancements that Web developers are eager to master Features a handy format that provides essential information in a quick and simple manner, with easy-to-follow instructions, smaller size, and convenient, lay-flat binding Covers using HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript The basic information you need to develop eye-popping Web sites with HTML5 are easy to find in HTML5 For Dummies Quick Reference. ... Далее
  • 18.
    David Karlins
    HTML5 and CSS3 For Dummies
    Learn to create powerful and unique websites with HTML5 and CSS3 HTML5 and CSS3 have ushered in an entirely new era in web development and web design. This easy-to-understand full-color guide presents the elements of design and development as equal; therefore, both designers and developers will benefit from learning how to leverage the power behind HTML5 and CSS3. The two-page spreads and helpful insight show you how to use HTML5 and CSS3 in conjunction in order to create websites that possess both powerful function and beautiful design. Incorporates all the trademark elements of the For Dummies series writing style - approachable, friendly, reliable, and functional - to assist you in gaining a solid foundation of the basics Fills the void for both developers and designers who are looking to merge the power and function of HTML5 and CSS3 Features a website with code and templates HTML5 and CSS3 For Dummies covers what you need to know to use HTML5 and CSS3, without weighing you down in unnecessary information. ... Далее
  • 19.
    Andy Harris
    HTML5 Game Development For Dummies
    Create games with graphics that pop for the web and mobile devices! HTML5 is the tool game developers and designers have been eagerly awaiting. It simplifies the job of creating graphically rich, interactive games for the Internet and mobile devices, and this easy-to-use guide simplifies the learning curve. Illustrated in full color, the book takes you step by step through the basics of HTML5 and how to use it to build interactive games with 2D graphics, video, database capability, and plenty of action. Learn to create sports and adventure games, pong games, board games, and more, for both mobile devices and the standard web. Learn to use the new HTML5 technology that makes it easier to create games with lots of action, colorful 2D graphics, and interactivity--for both the web and mobile devices Test and debug your games before deploying them Take advantage of how HTML5 allows for SQL-like data storage, which is especially valuable if you're not well versed in database management Explore creating games suitable for community activity and powerful, profitable games that require large amounts of data Whether you want to build games as a fun hobby or hope to launch a new career, this full-color guide covers everything you need to know to make the most of HTML5 for game design. ... Далее
  • 20.

    HTML5 eLearning Kit For Dummies
    Helping self-directed learners of all levels learn HTML5 If you want to develop and structure pages for the web, HTML5 is one of the tools you need. This invaluable eLearning kit steps you through learning HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript. With this dynamic combination of a full-color printed book and a Dummies interactive eLearning course on CD, you'll find a wealth of information on HTML5. Featuring both written and animated step-by-step how-tos, practice labs, helpful videos, numerous examples, and a host of Dummies hints and tips, this package makes your learning process easier. Follow the material sequentially or jump in and out as you wish?it's set up so you can learn at your own pace. Throughout, you will benefit from illustrations, animations, voiceover explanations, and the option of closed captioning if you find you learn better when you can read the instructions. Helps self-motivated learners master HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript Includes an easy-to-follow, full-color book and an interactive Dummies eLearning Course that corresponds with the book on CD Allows you to follow the material sequentially or choose separate sections at your own time and pace Offers chapter summaries, practice exercises, discussions of concepts and essential terms, and much more HTML5 eLearning Kit For Dummies helps you develop pages for the web with this dynamic tool. NOTE: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of the e-book file, but are available for download after purchase. ... Далее
  • 21.
    Ken Bluttman
    HTML5 Multimedia Developer's Guide
    Develop cross-platform multimedia applications with HTML5 Now you can create rich, interactive content in the browser and deploy it across all platforms. HTML5 Multimedia Developer's Guide shows you how. You'll learn to use the revolutionary new features of HTML5, including the native audio, video, and drawing elements that eliminate the need for third-party plug-ins. New tags, the simplified doctype, local data storage, drag-and-drop, and geolocation are also covered. Detailed code examples illustrate the techniques discussed. By the end of the book, you'll be able to develop amazing multimedia applications and websites with HTML5. Use canvas for drawing, animation, effects, and events Create and view videos with the native video element Add and play audio files with the native audio element Take advantage of local data storage functions Apply drag-and-drop functionality Build location-aware web pages with the geolocation property Develop well-structured pages using the new semantic layout tags Add functionality to web forms with the new form objects Learn about new CSS3 properties and enhancements Use the editable content and offline files features Work with JavaScript and other technologies ... Далее
  • 22.
    Bill Sanders
    Smashing HTML5
    Welcome to HTML5 - the future of the Web HTML5 is packed with great new features, including new content-specific elements, audio and video playback, canvas for drawing, and many others. But where to begin? With Smashing HTML5, you have everything you need to get up and running quickly. Bill Sanders is a professional Web developer, information and interface designer, and instructor. His expertise and knowledge shared throughout Smashing HTML5 will help fast-track you toward building next-generation Web sites. Smashing HTML5 provides comprehensive coverage - from how to get started with HTML5 to optimizing media on the Web. You will learn how to use text, graphics, audio, video, and navigation in HTML5 Web pages running in compatible browsers. You will also learn how to: Work with HTML5 tags Design page structure Make site navigation easy for your audience Integrate media including video into HTML5 pages Harness the power of the HTML5 canvas Use HTML 5 forms Create interactivity, store information, and much more Smashing HTML5 is an essential read for Web designers and developers looking to transition to HTML5. With this book, you'll be able to create Web pages that not only look great, but also take advantage of the new features HTML5 has to offer. ... Далее
  • 23.

    Introducing HTML5
    Suddenly, everyone's talking about HTML5, and ready or not, you need to get acquainted with this powerful new development in web and application design. Some of its new features are already being implemented by existing browsers, and much more is around the corner. Written by developers who have been using the new language for the past year in their work, this book shows you how to start adapting the language now to realize its benefits on today's browsers. Rather than being just an academic investigation, it concentrates on the practicalthe problems HTML5 can solve for you right away. By following the book's hands-on HTML5 code examples you'll learn: new semantics and structures to help your site become richer and more accessible how to apply the most important JavaScript APIs that are already implemented the uses of native multimedia for video and audio techniques for drawing lines, fills, gradients, images and text with canvas how to build more intelligent web forms implementation of new storage options and web databases how geolocation works with HTML5 in both web and mobile applications All the code from this book (and more) is available at www.introducinghtml5.com. ********There appear to be intermittent problems with the first printing of Introducing HTML5. If you have one of these copies, please email us at ask@peachpit.com with a copy of your receipt (from any reseller), and well either provide access to the eBook or send you another copy of the print book -- whichever you prefer. If you'd like the eBook we can add that to your Peachpit.com account. You can set up a free account at www.peachpit.com/join < http://www.peachpit.com/join >. Thanks so much for your understanding! ... Далее
  • 24.
    Steven Holzner
    Sams Teach Yourself HTML5 in 10 Minutes
    A quick, clear guide to using the exciting new features of HTML5 today Practical, hands-on approach helps web designers or developers begin using HTML5 right away Step-by-step directions show how to implement HTML5 video, drawing, drag and drop, forms, and more Makes sense of all the competing claims and misinformation about what HTML5 is or isnt You dont need to wait to begin using HTML5, the successor to HTML 4 and XHTML . HTML5 is now being implemented in the latest versions of all the major browsers, and with it come some of the most exciting and powerful advances in web development technology in years. Teach Yourself HTML5 in 10 Minutes offers straightforward, practical answers for fast results. By working through the books clear, step-by-step examples, web designers or developers new to HTML5 can learn everything they need to know to quickly and easily get up to speed with HTML5. ... Далее
  • 25.

    Projektowanie stron internetowych. Przewodnik dla pocz?tkuj?cych webmasterow po (X)HTML, CSS i grafice
    <ul><li>Jak zacz?? pisa? strony internetowe?</li><li>Jak wybra? odpowiednie narz?dzia do tworzenia witryn?</li><li>Jak budowa? arkusze stylw i optymalizowa? ?rd?o strony HTML?</li></ul><p>Od czego mam zacz??? Czy ja si? do tego nadaj?? Nie mam na to czasu...Wielu z nas w?a?nie z takim nastawianiem zabiera si? do pisania swojej pierwszej strony internetowej. Takie i podobne w?tpliwo?ci rozwiewa w?a?nie ta ksi??ka, przeznaczona dla osb niemaj?cych ?adnej wiedzy na temat tworzenia stron internetowych, a ktre chcia?yby tak? stron? wykreowa?.Czytaj?c j? i pracuj?c nad wieloma przyk?adami, nauczysz si?, jak opracowa? swoj? pierwsz? stron? internetow? i stopniowo odkryjesz w sobie pasj? webmastera!</p><p>Jennifer Niederst Robbina, bazuj?c na swoim kilkunastoletnim do?wiadczeniu w dziedzinie tworzenia stron internetowych, udowadnia, ?e pisa? strony mo?e ka?dy, nale?y mu tylko wskaza? drog?.Ksi??ka &quote;Projektowanie stron internetowych&quote; jest trzeci? edycj? przewodnika dla pocz?tkuj?cych, lecz napisana zosta?a ca?kowicie od pocz?tku, z uwzgl?dnieniem najnowszych technologii i trendw w tej dziedzinie.Dodatkowym atutem ksi??ki jest przejrzysto?? i ?atwo przyswajalny j?zyk oraz liczne przyk?ady i ?wiczenia, ktre pozwalaj? lepiej zrozumie? i przyswoi? materia?. </p><ul><li>Struktura i znaczniki HTML</li><li>Elementy struktury (X)HTML </li><li>Tabele, obrazki, odno?niki, animacje i inne elementy stron</li><li>Formatowanie tekstu </li><li>Formularze i pola edycji</li><li>P?ywanie oraz pozycjonowanie elementw stron</li><li>Arkusze stylw CSS</li><li>Uk?ad strony oparty na arkuszach stylw CSS </li><li>Techniki CSS</li><li>Grafika stron internetowych i jej optymalizacja</li><li>Umieszczanie stron w Internecie</li></ul><div align=&quote;center&quote;><h4><b>Poznaj techniki tworzenia, napisz i umie?? w?asn? stron? internetow? w sieci!</b></h4></div> ... Далее
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